Wednesday, 12 June 2013


I have always been enamoured by prawn noodles. My mother had tweaked the recipe handed down by my paternal grandmother and the latest version is wonderful to say the least. And I swear the stock is better left overnight!

The Food

Anyway, Hoe Nam was an early discovery in my epicurean journey of sorts during the late 1990s. The flavour has not changed much, the chilli powder still as good. Maybe the $1.20 fish cake is new, but that's about it. 

You get the usual suspects of big prawns, pork ribs, pig tails, intestines, clams etc in various price combos. Do not forget to ask for extra pork lard bits if you like them. If you are thick-skinned enough, you can also try asking for more soup halfway through your meal.

Hoe Nam's soup version $5 with big prawns only. 4.25/5

Remember to skip the pork ribs as they tend to be a little tough. The dry version is not likely to excite you too. Do not stinge, get the $5-version or above, it is worth the price. Try to be there during off-peak timings like 11.00am.

Hoe Nam Prawn Noodles
31 Tai Thong Crescent
6281 9293
6.30am - 4.30pm daily
Closed once a month on Mondays

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