Monday, 18 November 2013


Unfortunately, quite high I must say.

There's always mediocre food around. But having to pay $7 for a claypot of prawn noodles and $6.50 for a chicken breast dish touted as its signature dish in an industrial estate food centre, you would have expected a bit more.

First on the chopping block is Ah Geok. Apparently Rebecca Lynne Tan loved it.

But I differ.

Don't be deceived by the colour and looks of the dish. The soup is bland. The prawns, which were most probably of the long frozen variety, is mushy. Yes. Mushy. I cannot believe that the owner did not QC on this very important aspect of the dish before serving it. Sorry. But it's the first time I had mushy big prawns. And the taste was bleh.

I picked up the menu and saw some credentials of the Vintage Chef which I thought sounded good. But alas, the potatoes that came with the chicken tasted better. The breast was kinda dry and the saltiness seemed like an afterthought. $6.50. I'd go Wok Inn.

I do see some potential in this two budding chefs, but I just hope they improve on their dishes before going further.

Suddenly, I missed Wah Kee and La Cuisson.

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